Pump, Day 3

This is going to take some getting used to. A bit of a late start today, while I get things going here. Had to refill a cartridge of insulin and I figured I would switch out my infusion site, too. Should have been simple, and I hope it will be soon.

I had a bit of a misfire with the infusion set as I was trying to prime it. Not sure if it was safe to reload it, I figured it might just be safer to toss it and get a new one.

When I went to prime the tubing, it turns out I connected the cartridge to the bad infusion set, so I had to start over. Third time was the charm, though, and I finally got everything right.

I'm still adjusting my numbers to avoid some morning lows, evening lows, just lows in general. But I know it will be worth it once I get everything figured out.

I'm on my way to work, so this is the next big test. A day of stress, plus a trip to the gym afterwards. Hoo boy. Wish me luck!


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