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I always thought I knew what I was doing when it came to putting together a resume. Maybe not.

I created my latest resume with the intent of hitting on the buzzwords those dreaded resume bots are looking for these days. No buzzwords, no one will look at your resume, no matter how qualified you are. I also wanted it to look nice. I took a template I liked from Microsoft Word and built it from there.

That was, apparently, wrong.

I handed my resume to my uncle this afternoon. He was a vice president for human resources at a pharmaceutical company, so he knows a thing or two about these things. He went right about the process of ripping it to shreds.

Fancy template? Bullet points? Get rid of 'em! The coding will just cause havoc with the dreaded resume bots. And why bother making the resume look nice? No actual person is going to look at these things. It's going to go through a computer program, which is going to pull out the key buzzwords: "staff development," "motivated self-starter" and "blah blah blah." I'd be well-set if "blah blah blah" was an actual keyword.

Hopefully, I'll be done with this revising soon so I can get on with the arduous process of actually sending the damned thing out.


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