It continues

The job search continues. I have interviews set up, but still I visit job sites. I look and I look and sometimes - about every other day or so - I find some positions that I find interesting. Sometimes, applying to a job is simple - rework my resume, write a cover letter and send an email.

Some employers, though, have a different way of doing things. The bigger employers set up a website and have you fill out forms to be submitted to their human resources department. The first step usually goes something like this: "Upload a resume."

Simple enough, right? Here's my resume, the rest of this should be easy!

Then, they want you to continue to fill out their form. Contact information. It's on my resume, but ok. Skills? Alright, this is getting ridiculous. Job history. Oh, come on, now! I uploaded my resume already, why do you need me to post all of this again?

Are you looking to trip me up? Really good strategy, because I won't be looking at my resume as I fill out your form. Or, you know, copying and pasting.

But here I sit, filling out forms and sending out emails. God, I hope someone hires me soon...


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