Road Trip!

Waiting on a rather long line at Port Authority Gate 22 for an 8 am trip to Syracuse. As my father would say, "Get on the bus, forget about us." Hmm. The rather long line may have been for an earlier bus to Montreal. Must investigate... Update, 7:18 am I don't know if I'm on the right bus, but it's going to Syracuse, so here I sit. I ran upstairs before boarding to use the restroom - the one downstairs at the gate was posted as out of order - and I saw the statue of "The Commuters" by George Segal. I took a picture. What creeps me out about the photo is the three people walking through the door with their eyes closed. It's just disconcerting. Anyway, I walked back downstairs a couple minutes later and the bathroom at the gate was now working. Maybe someone just wanted me to see the commuters... Update, 7:47 am My 8 am bus was boarding at 7 when I got there and we left around 7:30. By the time my scheduled time hits, I'll be well in...